In the past years this series of talks, made up of various cultural events organized by Merigar, has been held both at Merigar, in particular in the Library, and in the Arcidosso Town Hall or at the Castle. With very different themes, from the mind in Buddhism to Indian dance, passing through Tibetan poetry, the biographies of the Masters, the sacred places and much more, the Talks of the past years have introduced Merigar, the Library, and some themes of teaching to an increasing number of people, expanding and diversifying our cultural contribution in the area.
For the next talks, we invite you to consult the events linked on this page or the Courses and events section.
The third edition of this series was scheduled for 2020, starting on March 21 with bi-weekly appointments, intensifying in early summer, and continuing until around October. Due to the pandemic, we had transformed this initiative and are offering an online version of it.
It was not a simple re-proposal of the Library Talks, since those events were designed as opportunities for live discussions and gatherings and to bring different people to know and explore the library in person.
The online version had two sections.
The section on reflections and insights on issues related to Buddhism, Tibet and the East in general started on 29 May, 2020 thirty years after the official inauguration of the Gönpa and the Merigar Library. In this section the talks are in both Italian and English.
Go to Library Talks - Reflections
The Reading Aloud section is made up of short Tibetan and Oriental stories, parables, and tales read and interpreted by professional actors to whom our heartfelt thanks go. We apologize that due to difficult circumstances here in Italy, for the time being we can offer them in Italian only. Our decision to focus on Italian is also motivated by the limited availability of audio stories like these in Italian compared to the large number in English. Hope you understand and support us!
For the The Reading Aloud section, please visit the italian page
For the A possible evolution meetings, please visit the italian page