The Dance of the Vajra Contemplation in Movement 

24 – 25 July 2021

The Dance of the Vajra Contemplation in Movement 



The Dance of the Vajra Contemplation in Movement 

Two days dedicated to the Dance of the Vajra on the occasion of the forty years of Merigar and the thirty years of the Dance of the Vajra, taught by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu for the first time in 1991.


Saturday 24th July

On Saturday in the Gönpa of Merigar there will be a day dedicated to the practice of the Dance of the Vajra. The dance on this day it is reserved for those who already know and practice it. Instructors of this Dance will be available to explain to new people what the Dance of the Varja is, and then they can then go to see the Dance that takes place at that moment in the Gönpa.

Appointments with the instructors: 11:30 am and 4 pm

Sunday 25 July

On Sunday there are two appointments dedicated to those who do not know the Dance of the Vajra and want to approach this practice through an experiential 'taste'. The meetings include a general introduction to the dance and a concrete experience.

Appointments: 10.30-12:00 with Adriana Dal Borgo and 16.30-18:00 with Prima Mai


Discover more on the Dance of the Vajra