Comunità Dzogchen di Merigar


Dear Friends,

We would like to give you news of what has happened and is happening in Merigar and what we are working on for the near future.

We take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy 2022, united, patient, looking for the positive side to all circumstances!

The Merigar Gakyil


Retreat of explanation and practice from 29 October to 2 November in a new format 

As we had anticipated in the previous newsletter, from 29 October to 2 November we tested a new practice retreat format:

we broadcast the Master’s retreat on "The most important points of Vision, Meditation, Behavior and Fruit, or Ati Nazer" during the morning sessions in the Gönpa at Merigar, and at the same time in webcast, while in the afternoon sessions, some experienced practitioners explained and guided practices.

It was a surprising experience. The fact that this retreat was originally given at Merigar had a particular impact; it seemed that the Master was actually in the Gönpa, physically present, and that was probably the case.

This format was very appreciated by practitioners, and in fact we have proposed it again for the end of this year. More about that in the next newsletter. To find out more about this experience you can find the article by Fabio Risolo published in the Mirror at this link

Visit of the highest Regional Authorities 

An event that was not planned, but which took place with great pleasure on our part, was the official visit to Merigar by the President of the Regional Council of Tuscany and some of his colleagues, accompanied by the Mayor of Arcidosso and the Mayors of all the Municipalities of the Amiata Grosseto area. It was a very friendly and informal meeting, which took place in a relaxed atmosphere, with tea and local sweets.

 The article about this meeting that was published in the Mirror can be found at this link


The Master's Birthday 

We also mentioned 8 December, Rinpoche's birthday, in the previous newsletter. Although the weather was not very favorable and most of the announced outdoor activities were moved inside the Castle and the Arcidosso Theater, the event was joyful and much appreciated.


In addition to the program that we had already put together with Dynamic Space, the Sky Festival, an intimate memory of our Master was presented in the Gönpa, expertly organized by practitioner Annamaria Moscatelli, and carried out with equal skill and love by various other practitioners.

 This remembrance of the Maestro, presented in the Merigar Gönpa on the morning of December 8th, can been viewed at this Youtube link


Visit of the Archbishop of the Diocese of Siena, Cardinal Augusto Paolo Lojudice 

In the afternoon of December 8, an important day also in the Catholic world that celebrates the Immaculate Conception, we had a cordial and warm visit from Cardinal Augusto Paolo Lojudice, Archbishop of the Diocese of Siena.

It was an informal, relaxed and sincere meeting between practitioners of different historical spiritual paths, related by their respect and attention towards each other. It took place in the Gönpa, with the participation of the Mayor of Arcidosso, several people from the Dzogchen Community and the affectionate and attentive presence of Rosa Namkhai.

Reorganization of the Gönpa 

Thanks to the commitment of Anna De Sole, Red Gakyil, the reorganization work on the Gönpa, which had been underway for some time, continues to restore the building to its original simplicity and brightness.
With the collaboration of Cvetko, Colin, Danny, Namsel and Gabriele, a false ceiling has been installed in the bathrooms, which now have greater thermal insulation. The bathrooms have been whitewashed and the electrical system improved with the installation of sensors for the lights that allow better performance and energy saving.




The bathrooms in the Gönpa before the work.



The bathrooms in the Gönpa after the work.

Museum of Oriental Art and Culture (MACO) 

Restoration work has been completed on the building of the former chancellery of Arcidosso, where the MACO is located and which houses the Namkhai collection. The project was funded by the Tuscany Region with the contribution of the municipality of Arcidosso. The official inauguration took place on the morning of 8 December, at the opening of the program of the Sky Festival celebrations in Arcidosso.


LOSAR - March 3, 2022
Tibetan New Year - Water Tiger

We are approaching Losar, March 3, when we will enter the Tibetan New Year of the Water Tiger. We will send out the program of planned activities as soon as possible, in the meantime we remind you that like every year there are prayer flags to sew which we will hang at Merigar.


All those who wish to participate in this meritorious activity can contact the secretary or the Geko and book the sets that they want to sew. They should be brought back to Merigar in time for the authentication during the New Year ganapuja.

Future plans 

Even though we are heading towards the winter season, during which the weather may hold some surprises, we have planned various activities, in person and also online. You can find them on our website and book a place for those that you are interested in.


In the next issue of the newsletter we will talk about how the events at the end of the year and the first months of 2022 have gone.

 To find out more about upcoming meetings, lessons, courses, face-to-face and online practices at Merigar, check this link