Intensive course on the contemplation practice contained in the Precious Vase

25 – 31 July 2022

Intensive course on the contemplation practice contained in the Precious Vase


Intensive course on the contemplation practice contained in the Precious Vase  

Reserved to those who have received the Transmission.


1. Monday

Morning 10:00–12:00 – The Semdzin of the Symbol of the White A; The Semdzin of the Joyous Laughter of the Wrathful Manifestations

Afternoon 16:00–18:00 – The Semdzin of the Symbol of the White A; The Semdzin of the Syllable PHAT;

2. Tuesday

Morning 10:00–12:00 – The Semdzin of the Syllable PHAT; The Semdzin of the Song of Vajra

Afternoon 16:00–18:00 – The Separation of the Voice; The Semdzin of the Song of Vajra

3. Wednesday

Morning 10:00–12:00 – The Separation of the Mind – The Semdzin of the Song of Vajra

Afternoon 16:00–18:00 – The Semdzin of the Joyous Laughter of the Wrathful Manifestations – The Separation of the Mind


4. Thursday

Morning 10:00–12:00 – The Semdzin of the HUM that Chases Thoughts; The Semdzin of the Syllable PHAT

Afternoon 15:00–17:00 –  The Separation of the Body; The Semdzin of the Struggle of the Asuras

5. Friday

Morning 10:00–12:00 – The Semdzin of the HUM that Chases Thoughts; The Separation of the Voice

Afternoon 16:00–18:00 – The Separation of the Body; The Separation of the Voice

6. Saturday

Morning 10:00–12:00 – The Seventh Lojong

Afternoon 16:00–18:00 – The Seventh Lojong


7. Sunday

Morning 10:00–12:00 – The Semdzin of the letter RAM; The Separation of the Mind