Ku-nye (tibetan massage) on a chair

30 June – 2 July 2023

Ku-nye (tibetan massage) on a chair


Ku-nye on a chair

with Aldo Oneto

In this is short work-shop open to all we wil learn how to apply simple techniques to your relatives, friends, wives, husbands, children and to those who need a simple healing and relaxing massage and to relieve joint and nervous disorders.
It consists of

  • a theoretical part concerning the foundations of Tibetan medicine with particular emphasis on nutrition and the concept of health,
  • a practical part, where the head is treated, the neck, the upper back and the limbs: arms, hands, legs and feet, with specific oils depending on the type of person.

The first day a test useful for customizing the oils will be delivered. Clothing suitable for massage, such as shorts and tennis shorts, is required when we will study simplified leg and foot ku-nye.


First day - Fraday aftenoon

theory: The tibetan medicine and its features

practice: simplified ku nye hand and face 


Second day - Saturday morning

theory: Tibetan cosmology and the Five Primordial Elements

practice: simplified ku nye on the neck and the shoulders


Second day - Saturday afternoon

theory: The three main energies and the seven physical constituents

practice: simplified ku nye on the upper part of the back


Third day - Sunday morning

theory: The importance of the Diet as a crucial factor to keep one's general well being

practice: simplified ku nye on the arms and hands


Third day  - Sunday afternoon

theory: Diet and Behaviour for improve our life

practice: simplified ku nye on the legs and feet