Communication and collaboration

30 August – 1 September 2019

Communication and collaboration


Communication and collaboration

with Laura Borel

This workshop focuses on enhancing the non-violent communication skills.

Who is this workshop for?
For all interested people who:

  • have the curiosity to enhance their ability to communicate with other practitioners by using the Non-Violent Communication (NVC) process
  • are open to be aware of the communication that blocks compassion; 
  • •are open to observe without evaluation; identify, express and take responsibilities for their feelings; 
  • •are open to listen to the feelings and needs of other when listening; 
  • •are willing to practice expressing appreciation using the NVC process
  • ••are willing to reflect on their own habits of communicating with others, especially in stressful and problematic moments; and
  • •have an honest desire to integrate presence and awareness in daily activities, without losing sight of the process and the common goal.

Participants in this workshop are not required to demonstrate any prior skills.

What will you learn in this workshop?
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Show the use of the NVC process by using a communication that enables compassion, and a language that clearly uses the identification, expression and taking responsibility of feelings;
  • Observe without evaluating
  • Make requests that enrich life
  • When listening to others demonstrate to listen for feelings and needs
  • Express appreciation by using NVC

What will you be able to do by the end of this workshop?

After participating in this workshop, you will have a better understanding of the NVC process, and of the type of communication that promotes compassion. By putting into practice in the workshop and by listen emphatically to what others are expressing, you will be able to have better relationships with others. You will be capable of making requests to others in a way that respects the other persons’ feelings and needs and express your appreciation to them using a NVC. 

Will this be fun and engaging?
In the course of this experiential workshop you will be guided through group activities that promote learn-by-doing processes and meaningful interactions with others.