Merigar Membership 2022

Guidelines and Calculation Methods

For 202, there are no substantial changes in membership fees.

  • Socio e aspirante socio Benemerito Globale/ “Global Meritorious” IDC (*) - Annual fee 1500 €: Similarly, Global Meritorious Members are entitled to a 100% discount in Merigar and 80% discount in other Gars or Lings.

  • Socio e aspirante socio Sostenitore Globale/ Global Sustaining IDC (*) - Annual fee 500 €: A Global Sustaining Member is entitled to an 80% discount on courses or retreats held in Merigar and a 50% discount on courses or retreats held abroad at other Gars or Lings. ha diritto al 80% di sconto su corsi e ritiri tenuti a Merigar e 50% di sconto sui corsi o ritiri all’estero svolti presso altri Gar o Ling. 

  • Socio e aspirante socio Ordinario/  Ordinary and aspiring member - Annual fee 129 €: entitled to 20% discount on courses and retreats held at Merigar.

(*) A Global Sustaining Member, is entitled to an 80% discount on courses or retreats held in Merigar and a 50% discount on courses or retreats held abroad at other Gars or Lings. Similarly, Global Meritorious Members are entitled to a 100% discount in Merigar and 80% discount in other Gars or Lings.
(**) To welcome young people under the age of 29, a discount of € 29 has been established for Ordinary or Aspiring Ordinary Members in that age group. This means that young people who have not yet reached their 28th year by 31 March 2022 can pay only € 100 for ordinary membership.

If you want to renew your membership but are experiencing serious financial difficulties, please contact Gankyil by sending an email to and we will look for a solution together.

You can renew: - with your ling – in Merigar in person – by bank transfer – by Paypal


The first time you register you become an Aspiring Member (no voting right), after 3 years of continuous membership, on the fourth year, you become a full active Member with all full rights. 

A reminder of some rules already active since 2012 that will continue in 2022:

(1) In the case of Meritorious Members residing near a local Ling, a portion of their membership fee is allocated to the Ling indicated in the registration form, thus contributing to the program of activities of that Ling.

(2) The Lings can choose to not apply the discounts associated with the individual membership levels (20%, 80%, and 100%) for courses and initiatives, provided they indicate this explicitly in the related announcements.

(3) Installment payments for membership (must be set up prior to March 2022). To meet the various needs of members, in addition to online payment, we offer the possibility of paying membership fees in instalments, through periodic wire transfers using online banking or direct debit. For direct debit payments, members need to send an email with their banking details to the Ling or to Merigar. 

 (4) Cases of economic hardship: As always, the Lings and the Gar must be willing to carefully consider, jointly if necessary, any situations of economic hardship that may arise for individual members.
We ask all Lings to contact each member who did not renew in the prior year to identify the method of payment that best meets his or her individual needs.

(5) It’s important to remind the members that the renewal of the membership at the beginning of the year, contributes to the good functioning of the whole Community and allows you to take advantage of the membership rights from the beginning of the year (ex: voting rights, webcast replay, participation to retreat with discounts, download of the Mirror free on and many other).
It’s also Important to encourage all members to register on the MMS system  as USER ( only the first time)   The person in charge of the Ling will keep MMS updated with the payments received.  

(6) Determination of quota retained by the Lings and simplified calculation method: Each Ling is entitled to retain a percentage of the membership fee of each member, based on the number of members in good standing in the previous year, as indicated in the table below.

  • Number of Ling members in the previous year: from 1 to 99 members, the amount to be retained by Ling is 40%
  • Number of Ling members in the previous year: greater than or equal to 100 members, the amount to be retained by Ling is 55%

Only those members who renew or establish an instalment plan by March should be considered in calculating the number of registered members of a Ling for the purpose of the final calculation of the percentage due and the quota to be retained.

(7) Quarterly transfer to the Gar of the GAR-IDC quota: Once the amount to be retained by the Ling has been calculated as described point 6 above, the Lings are asked to transfer the quota payable to the Gar and the IDC on a quarterly basis by the 15th of the months of April, July, and October, as indicated by the IDC. The balance is to be paid in December or in early January. 
The Lings are requested not to transfer the 15% IDC quota directly to the IDC.
Merigar sends to IDC the 15% percentage of the full membership fee of all the Lings.
For administrative reasons the IDC quota is transferred by the Gar once it has been received from the Lings.
From the IDC Membership Regulations: “All the members of the Gars and Lings affiliated to IDC  automatically become members of the IDC by paying a consolidated membership fee which includes the membership fee of the Ling, the Gar and IDC.” Therefore is a duty of the Lings to send the share of Membership of Gar and IDC to the Gar at the stated deadlines.

Purpose of transfer: 2022 Membership
Comunità Dzogchen di Merigar - Loc. Merigar, 58031 Arcidosso (GR) Italy
Bank: MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA, Arcidosso GR branch
Acct. no. 3120.29   ABI 01030    CAB 72160
IBAN IT64 N010 3072 1600 0000 0312 029

(8) We offer two options for NON-members who wish to participate in courses, events or initiatives of a Ling or the Gar requiring payment, including those not necessarily related to the Teaching:

·  Those persons who do not wish to become members although they intend to participate in events or activities at the Gar or a Ling that are occasional or limited in time can be defined as “event participants” and take part in the respective event with a “contribution/donation” that is recorded under the activities of the Gar or Ling as an “offering/donation or contribution.”
·  For persons that intend to take Yoga classes or YY, Six Spaces Dance, for long and continuous periods and distributed over a period of months or the whole year, without wanting to become members, they can contribute for the activities carried out by the center periodically with donations. (2-3 times a year). Otherwise the collections will normally have to be registered as an entry for commercial activities of the Gar or Ling and be subjected to special accounting with the required tax obligations

(9) Registration of members of the Gar or a Ling. Members will be registered in the geographic reference Gar or Ling according to the principle of residence or domiciliation. When there is no reference Ling directly to the Gar as indicated in the application form.

NB: All members are kindly asked to register and pay only at their Ling/Gar of reference. Due to needs of the IDC Membership Management System, the Member is considered belonging to the Community where he/she pays. When there are multiple payments it‘s necessary to avoid change of Community. Where you start paying, you need to continue. Please avoid to register parts of the yearly Membership in different places other than the one to which you belong because they may not result with the risk of losing the qualification and membership rights.

As affirmed in the IDC Membership Regulation Comunity the Membership is annual, therefore when a member chooses a Community, this is chosen at first payment of the year, even if she/he will make more payments. Membership is definitely not a time-related service that one uses where she/he goes, some month here some there. If a member changes residence, she/he will complete payments where started and will change Community next year. Allowing to pay membership by instalments is a special concession, not a payment of a monthly subscription.