Dina Priymak

Dina Priymak was born in Tajikistan (ex USSR) in 1981 and since a child practiced gymnastics and yoga.

She met her Master, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 2002, in Crimea, and started learning Yantra Yoga, which has become her personal practice since then. After attending various courses and Teacher Trainings, she became I Level instructor of Yantra Yoga in 2010, in Merigar.

In 2017, Dina qualified as an instructor of Kumar Kumari, Yantra Yoga for kids, and Respira/Breathe method. She was also supervised for the II Level of Yantra Yoga.

Since 2019, Dina has been teaching Kumar Kumari Yoga for children in the schools of Amiata (GR, Italy), thanks to the various projects of ASIA Onlus and Merigar, funded by UBI, and she is very satisfied with the achieved results.

In 2020, Dina graduated in “Educational Yoga at Schools” (University of Padua) and became also an instructor of other types of yoga (Hatha Yoga Multistyle, Yoga Therapia (Yoga Aliance).

She had a chance to collaborate for the video projects "The Tibetan Yoga of Movement: Level I and Level II" and for the DVD "The 108 Movements of Vairochana's Yantra Yoga" released by the Shang Shung Publications in 2011 and also for the App Evolve, in 2020.

Dina has a degree in Linguistics Pedagogy (English and French). She is currently studying Osteopathy at the International Osteopathic Academy in Milan and is happy to deepen new disciplines and develop her knowledge in the holistic field.