Michele Corrado

Michele Corrado met the Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1998 and has since then joined the Dzogchen Community. In 2003 he obtained the 3rd level Ku Nye massage degree from the Shang Shung Institute, and in 2005 he graduated as a Ku Nye teacher. He has given massage courses in Kunsangar, Moscow, Umbria and a demonstration in Barcelona.

Over the years he has attended various seminars and courses on Yantra Yoga, and has finally been authorised to teach the 8 Movements of Yantra Yoga.

In 1995 he also became a Qi Gong instructor. He obtained as well the first degree Diploma in Lyric Singing at the G. Rossini State Conservatory in Pesaro and has many years of experience in teaching Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Singing therapy to groups of different ages.