The Dance of the Vajra that Benefits Beings

26 – 27 March 2022

The Dance of the Vajra that Benefits Beings


The Dance of the Vajra that Benefits Beings

with Cosimo di Maggio

The Dance of the Vajra, first taught by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in the early 1990s, is a meditation in movement.

The purpose of the Vajra dance is to harmonize the three aspects of body, voice and mind in a relaxed and natural way, to dissolve any blockages and discover the true nature of our being and its characteristics. With regard to the body, in some movements we can, for example, notice our natural search for accuracy. With the mind we can have experiences related to time (sometimes time seems to pass very quickly, other times it seems to stop). Through the voice or energy different experiences can be manifested, for example joy.

In these two days in Merigar we will acquire the bases to practice The Dance of the Vajra that Benefits Beings, a symbolic dance of compassion. We will dance on a mandala of five colors, a symbolic figure that represents the correspondence between the dimension of the individual (microcosm) and that of the world (macrocosm) based on mantras found in the original Dzogchen tantras. Simple and harmonious movements loosen the body, soothe the mind and relax the tensions of everyday life.

Discover more about the Dance of the Vajra >>>


Safety information

Super Green Pass is necessary to participate.

Places will be spaced apart as required by government and regional regulations, and participants must adhere to the specified distance, wear a mask for the entire session, and sanitize their hands at the entrance. Those who have a fever or flu-like symptoms may not participate, nor can anyone who has been recently in contact with people with Covid-19.

No snacks or drinks will be provided. Please bring your own if you feel the need. A water fountain is available near the Gönpa where you can fill your bottle.

To maintain safe distancing, the number of participants is limited. In application of the rules against the spread of coronavirus, Pawo and Pamo will dance on different mandalas.