The other, my mirror

7 – 8 August 2021

The other, my mirror


The other, my mirror

Selfless love, the heart of Buddhist ethics

with Annamaria Moscatelli and Gino Vitiello

Karuna, a term usually translated with compassion, is the heart of Buddhist ethics, but it is a word that in translation loses some of the strength of its deeper meaning.

Karuna means selfless love, the ability to take care of the suffering of all beings, abandonment of the egoic vision of life. It is an innate disposition, a potentiality of the human mind, but if it is not cultivated it can be lost.


1. The physiological basis
Mirror neurons, empathy

2. The spiritual foundations
Compassion is present in all spiritual paths and in the great religions. Meaning of the term religion - Theistic religions: ethics as a divine commandment; Buddhism: awareness of emptiness.

3. The obstacles
Misunderstandings about Karma, egoic use (power / manipulation), rejection of suffering.

5. Sutra, Tantra, Dzogchen: three ways of living it
The vision of compassion in the three ways of liberation.


Anapanasati (at the beginning and at the end of each session): training in presence in the breath.
Meditation on Compassion
Presence application exercises (perception of the body and / or perception of sounds).

with the contribution of the Italian Buddhist Union within the project Seeds of Awareness

Safety information

As required by the latest Prime Ministerial Decree, starting from 6 August 2021, for events that take place indoors, participants must have the so-called 'green pass'. This involves showing a certification attesting to having received at least one dose of the vaccine, or being cured of Covid, or having a negative swab performed within the previous 48 hours. Participants will still have to sanitize their hands at the entrance, keep the spacing of at least 1 meter, and wear a mask.
The green pass is not necessary for events that take place outdoors, for which compliance with the spacing is still indicated in order not to create gatherings.

Those who have a fever or flu-like symptoms may not participate, nor can anyone who has been recently in contact with people with Covid-19.

No snacks or drinks will be provided. Please bring your own if you feel the need. A water fountain is available near the Gönpa where you can fill your bottle.