Library Talks and Beyond

27 April – 1 January 2020

Library Talks and Beyond


Library Talks and Beyond

Itinerant Cultural Meetings at Merigar and in Arcidosso

After the interest created in 2018, the Library Talks initiative continues this year in a traveling version. Thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of Arcidosso, which has made the Council Chamber and the Conference Room of the Castle available for the meetings, we can also bring outside Merigar some of the themes that distinguish our Community in the spirit of sharing knowledge, of promoting culture, Tibetan and not only, of inspiring new talks and expanding cultural activities in the area. The program therefore includes meetings in Arcidosso and Merigar, in the library and in other places, so as to involve as many people as possible with an approach of exchange and openness. These meetings are also an opportunity to let people know about and visit the Library and to collect useful donations for its survival. Many people have been willing to participate in this initiative. Our gratitude goes to all of you, and we hope to continue to organize these meetings in the future finding the right moment for the various interventions. In particular, we would like to thank all those who participated and will participate in this second edition: Anna Scattigno, Cristiana de Falco, Elio Guarisco, Fabian Sanders, Fabio Risolo, Gino Vitiello, Iacobella Gaetani, Lobsang Zatul, Maresa Moglia and Natanavedica East / West Performing Arts, Michael Katz, and Steve Landsberg. Central to the program is the study of the mind, Buddhism and some themes and figures from Tibetan literature and history, but there will also be much more. The first three meetings, held in Arcidosso, had as a theme the study, analysis and overcoming of our mind. June will be an Indian theme, with travel stories and an evening dedicated to Bharatanatyam classical dance. Three meetings will follow on themes of Tibetan culture and literature: the hidden lands (beyul), the poems of Jamyang Chödrön and the leg-shad or Tibetan aphorisms. And then a glimpse of Amiata! This year we are happy to have Prof. Anna Scattigno, president of the Centro Studi David Lazzaretti, at Merigar, who on August 16 will guide us in discovering the life of David Lazzaretti, his figure and the community he founded which has one of their own centers on Mount Labro, right opposite Merigar. In the same week we return to Tibet maintaining the biographical theme, with the life and figure of one of the most famous female figures of Tibet, Yeshe Tsogyal. Finally, in September, Michael Katz will talk about dream yoga and Elio Guarisco will describe the life and works of the great maester Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye. The program is constantly being expanded and updated: you can find the program of meetings on the Merigar website and on the library's facebook page. We look forward to the next talk!

The complete program:

  • Saturday 27 April, 18:00 - ARCIDOSSO Comune (Town Hall), Sala Consiliare - Fabio Risolo, Rilassamento e presenza nella vita quotidiana. (Relaxation and Presence in Everyday Life)
  • Friday 3 May, 18:00  - ARCIDOSSO Comune (Town Hall), Sala Consiliare - Gino Vitiello, Samsara: Dolore e piacere nella psicologia buddhista (Samsara: Pain and Pleasure in Buddhist Psychology)
  • Thursday 30 May, 18:00 - ARCIDOSSO Castello, Sala Conferenze - Elio GuariscoOltre la mente distratta. (Beyond the Distracted Mind)
  • Saturday 1 June, 18:00  - MERIGAR Library - Steve Landsberg, Discovering Dharma: A Journey to India in the 1960s
  • Saturday 22 June, 19:00 - MERIGAR Library Area - Natanavedica East/West Performing Arts, Artistic Direction: Maresa Moglia, Akasha: Dances and Stories from India
  • Saturday 20 July, 18:00 ARCIDOSSO Castello, Sala Conferenze - Fabian Sanders, I luoghi dell’abbondanza. Viaggio fra le “Terre nascoste” di Europa, India e Tibet. (Places of Abundance: Journey through the "Hidden Lands" of Europe, India, and Tibet)
  • Friday 26 July, 18:00 MERIGAR Library - Iacobella Gaetani, La collana di perle. Introduzione alle poesie di ‘Jam-dbyangs Chos-sgron (The Necklace of Pearls: Introduction to the Poetry of ‘Jam-dbyangs Chos-sgron)
  • Saturday 3 August, 18:00 MERIGAR Library - Lobsang Zatul, Leg-shad, or “Good Sayings", in Tibetan Tradition
  • Friday 16 August, 18:00 MERIGAR - Anna Scattigno, Il Santo dirimpettaio: Davide Lazzaretti e la comunità giurisdavidica (A Saint in Our Midst: David Lazzaretti and the Jurisdavidic Community)
  • Sunday 18 August, 18:00 MERIGAR Library - Cristiana de Falco, Donne di Saggezza. Yeshe Tsogyal (Women of Wisdom: Yeshe Tsogyal)
  • Friday 6 September, 18:00 ARCIDOSSO Castello, Sala Conferenze - Michael Katz, Dream Yoga and Lucid Dreaming
  • Wendsday 25 September, 18:00 MERIGAR  - Library Elio Guarisco, Oceano Infinito di Conoscenza. Kongtrul Lodrö Taye: il Lama eclettico protagonista del rinascimento spirituale del Tibet Orientale del XIX secolo (Infinite Ocean of Knowledge.  Kongtrul Lodrö Taye: the eclectic Lama protagonist of the spiritual renaissance of Eastern Tibet in the nineteenth century.)
  • Friday 1 November, 17:30 and Sunday 3 November 15:00 MERIGAR - Aldo Ferretti, Differenziamoci: Buone pratiche che fanno a differenza nella raccolta dei rifiuti. (Differentiating. Good practice that makes a difference in refuse collection).
  • Tuesday 31 December 2019 at 16:30 and Wendsday 1 January 2020 MERIGAR  - Library Fabio Risolo. Gli Archetipi dell'immaginario: L'invisibile. Laboratorio di riscrittura creativa su "Le Città Invisibili" di Italo Calvino (Creative writing workshop)